We Are...

Enabling Web 3.0 with focus on shaping the future business models with local values and global scaling in mind where technology offers a major leap in performance and capabilities.

Our Mission

Establish a purposeful ecosystem to consolidate advanced capabilities, set common goals and develop actionable strategies to enable new markets and business models. Our services, solution and academy is a natural step towards combining business, technical and academic elements to comprehensively educate and promote innovation, and drive implementation to ensure market reach.

Unique Vision

In an era of change comes unique opportunities for that we are in a position to leverage innovative technologies to power the future businesses as the traditional methods are fast becoming outdated. Although theoretically plausible, adoption in most cases are far from reality due to unproven technologies, degree of network readiness, and the timing of initiatives. To counter the challenge our vision is shaped from our experience where:

  • We will promote wide-scale adoption of innovation that is fit for purpose to set new trends as well as generating sustainable value
  • This will help us offer investors access to inaccessible private companies directly linked to twenty-first investment themes
  • Help transform the industry by capitalising on our Subject Matter Expertise to turn complex business processes into streamlined solutions


Caegis Pillars


Build services & solutions to meet a unique challenge to develop the future of Financial Services, and meet your needs for we know that you, your demands and eventually your journey is unique.


Capitalize on domain expertise and capabilities to transform the industry and generate unique values. Our ability lies in our experience and determination to leverage on the power of innovative technologies.


Consolidate superior capabilities to improve access to digital solutions and make a difference in the industry with evidence to what we can achieve together.



Swiss Blockchain Academy

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